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Washington Township Health Care District Director elected as Vice President of Alameda County Special Districts

Washington Township Health Care District Board of Directors member Patricia Danielson, RHIT, was elected as vice president of the Alameda County Special Districts Association (ACSDA) at its meeting held on Wednesday, July 9. She will serve a two-year term.

“I’m looking forward to beginning my service to all of the special districts located within Alameda County as vice president,” said Ms. Danielson, who has been affiliated with the ACSDA for more than 10 years. “The Alameda County Special Districts Association is a vital resource for the diverse number of special districts it serves because, while each district was formed to serve very different needs, we are stronger together through the association.”

In her role of vice president, Ms. Danielson will serve in a backup role as necessary when the president cannot fulfill his duties. The vice president also serves in the dual role of treasurer and will oversee the association’s finances. Prior to her election as vice president, Ms. Danielson served as ACSDA’s at-large officer.

ACSDA includes 17 member districts and five associate member districts. Member districts include: Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District; Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District; Alameda County Resource Conservation District; Alameda County Water District; Castro Valley Sanitary District; City of Alameda Health Care District; Dublin San Ramon Services District; East Bay Municipal Utility District; East Bay Regional Park District; Eden Township Healthcare District; Fairview Fire Protection District; Hayward Area Recreation and Park District; Livermore Area Recreation and Park District; Oro Loma Sanitary District; Union Sanitary District; Washington Township Health Care District; and Zone 7 Water Agency. Associate members include: Alameda LAFCo; Alameda County Public Works Department; Alameda County Vector Control Services District; and

Special districts are a form of local government created by a local community to meet a specific need. Inadequate tax bases and competing demands for existing taxes make it hard for cities and counties to provide all the services citizens desire. When residents or landowners want new services or higher levels of existing services, they can form a district to pay for and administer them.

Board Member elected as Vice President of Special Districts
July 9, 2014
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About Washington Township Health Care District: Washington Township Health Care District is governed by an elected board of directors. Unlike a municipal or county hospital, Washington Hospital’s operating expenses, research, community programs and employee salaries are funded by revenues generated through providing patient and other health care services. Washington Health includes a 359-bed acute-care hospital; the Taylor McAdam Bell Neuroscience Institute; The Gamma Knife® Center; Washington Radiation Oncology Center; Washington Outpatient Surgery Center; Washington Outpatient Rehabilitation Center; Washington Institute for Joint Restoration and Research; Washington Special Care Nursery (in affiliation with UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital); and Washington West, a complex which houses Washington Women’s Center, Outpatient Imaging Center, Sandy Amos R.N. Infusion Center, Washington Urgent Care and additional outpatient hospital services and administrative facilities.