Washington Health is committed to providing medical information to help people make informed decisions about their health.
Visit the following websites where you can search by topic and/or specialty for your research needs.
Elsevier Online offers the most up-to-date patient education resource with thousands of topics relating to health and medication. Website: https://bit.ly/2IYtUPO
MedlinePlus is a free website that provides consumer health information for patients, families, and health care providers. Website: http://medlineplus.gov
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is an online source for credible health information. Website: www.cdc.gov
U.S. Food and Drug Administration is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services is an online source for credible health information. Website: www.fda.gov
National Institutes of Health is one of the world's foremost medical research centers is also an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Website: www.nih.gov
Mayo Clinic offers award-winning medical and health information and tools for healthy living. Website: www.mayoclinic.com
The American Heart Association is a non-profit organization that fosters appropriate cardiac care in an effort to reduce disability and deaths caused by cardiovascular disease and stroke. Website: www.americanheart.org
The American Stroke Association offers support and information for stroke patients, caregivers and their families. Website: www.strokeassociation.org
National Stroke Association offers information on stroke, stroke prevention, stroke recovery and stroke care. Website:www.stroke.org
The American Cancer Society is dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering. Website: www.cancer.org
The American Lung Association is a non-profit organization that "fights lung disease in all its forms, with special emphasis on asthma, tobacco control and air quality." Website:www.lungusa.org
National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. provides an overview of breast cancer and preventiopn, mammography, and treatment and cure. Website: www.nationalbreastcancer.org
BreastCancer.org is a non-profit organization offering breaking news about current breast cancer research. Website: www.breastcancer.org
The American Diabetes Association is leading the fight against the deadly consequences of diabetes and fighting for those affected by diabetes. Website:www.diabetes.org
Diabetes Exercise & Sports Associations focuses on diabetes and the role of exercise in enhancing health. It has a forum for exchange of information and access to resources. Website: http://www.diabetes-exercise.org
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International (JDRF) offers specific information about diabetes in children as well as information about the the not-for-profit voluntary agency’s activities, research, advocacy and publications. Highlights from the online version of Countdown, the agency magazine, are also available. Website: http://www.jdrf.org